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Coping with Race Related Stress and Truama (online)

Note: This workshop is only for CUNY Graduate Center and School of Journalism students.

Within this workshop, graduate students will learn about the concept of race based trauma and the corresponding mental health symptoms that they might be experiencing while operating in the world with their numerous minority identities. The workshop will speak about race-based trauma in the context of current events such as the Black Lives Matter movement, police brutality, Asian American hate crimes, and COVID-19. The facilitators will provide tools to assist in gaining awareness about the impact that race-based trauma has had on their mental health, and will offer coping mechanisms as a means of reducing distress and receiving increased support within their personal and educational community. Students will have the opportunity to discuss, process, and connect on their mutual experiences within a safe space. This is an interactive workshop and we will be requesting participants to turn ON their cameras for introductions and discussion points.

Register in advance for this meeting (use your GC or SOJ student email address): []

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.